Shirazee Releases New Single “TIRED” as a Tribute For George Floyd and Black Lives

Shirazee releases ‘Tired’—an emotional ballad paying tribute to George Floyd and all Black lives that have been lost to the hands of police brutality.

‘Tired’ is a three-minute capsule of how my generation feels,” Shirazeesays.

“The fight, the pain, the anger, the exhaustion from living in permanent dread of just existing as a Black person in this world. There is a new revolution out there ‘cause we are tired”.

Like so many people coming across more instances of police brutality while living in the midst of a pandemic, Shirazeewas devastated, angry, upset, and at a loss to see another Black life killed at the hands of the system that is supposed to “protect and serve” all people.

All proceeds of ‘Tired’ will be donated to organizations and initiatives selected by Shirazeethat focus on ending racial profiling as well as foster the empowerment and betterment of Black lives: Color Of Change, NAACPLDF and the ACLU Campaign Against Racial Profiling

The idea for the music video was to make anyone from any walk of life feel a bit of my pain—OUR pain—through the music and imagery.

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