Kanye West’s Yeezy Company Suing Former Intern For $500,000

Kanye West‘s YEEZY imprint is suing one of its interns for breach of contract and conversion.

According to reports, the complaint was filed in the Los Angeles County Superior Court on January 15 against Ryan Inwards. A summer intern, Inwards allegedly posted classified photos on Instagram and refused to take them down even after receiving several cease and desist letters. As of writing, an Instagram account bearing the same name has no posts.

YEEZY is now looking to impose the $500,000 USD liquidated damages provision included in the nondisclosure agreement Inwards signed. The company also believes that the intern is “acting maliciously,” so it is seeking additional punitive damages and an injunction that will force Inwards to return the images and be prohibited from posting similar photos in the future.

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